Semester 1 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C11011 | Pendidikan Agama | 2 |
C11041 | Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
C11052 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | 2 |
C21051 | Ilmu Alamiah Dasar | 2 |
C50111 | English Sentence Structure | 2 |
C51061 | English Pronunciation Practice | 2 |
C51111 | Speaking for General Communication | 2 |
C51171 | Reading for General Information | 2 |
C51251 | Paragraph Writing | 2 |
C51221 | Laboratory Work for Aural Oral Practice | 2 |
Semester 2 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C11022 | Seminar Agama | 2 |
C14031 | Pancasila | 2 |
C21012 | Manusia, Seni dan Kebudayaan Indonesia | 2 |
C51232 | Listening for Specific Information | 2 |
C51182 | Reading for Culture | 2 |
C51022 | Pre-Intermediate Grammar | 2 |
C51122 | Speaking for Tourism | 2 |
C51262 | Essay Writing | 2 |
31193C | Idioms I | 2 |
- | Mata Kuliah Pilihan (Prancis/Jerman/Jepang) | 2 |
Semester 3 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C21023 | Etika Profesi | 2 |
C21033 | Prikologi Kepribadian | 2 |
C31013 | Pengantar Pariwisata dan Hospitality | 2 |
C31073 | Komputer Terapan | 2 |
C51193 | Reading for Tourism | 2 |
C51033 | Intermediate Grammar | 2 |
C51133 | Speaking for Business | 2 |
C51273 | Academic Writing | 2 |
C51083 | Idioms II | 2 |
C51243 | Listening for Inferences | 2 |
Semester 4 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C41024 | Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Komunikasi | 2 |
C21042 | Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar | 2 |
C51304 | Introduction to Translation | 2 |
C51374 | Introduction to Linguistics | 2 |
C51204 | Reading for Business | 2 |
C51044 | Pre-Advanced Grammar | 2 |
C51144 | Contextual Communication | 2 |
C51414 | English Business Correspondence | 2 |
C51344 | Language in Societies | 2 |
C51094 | Intermediate Vocabulary | 2 |
Semester 5 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C31035 | Manajemen Perjalanan Wisata dan MICE | 2 |
C31085 | Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian | 2 |
C51355 | Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology | 2 |
C51385 | Introduction to Literature | 2 |
C51105 | Advanced Vocabulary | 2 |
C51295 | Speech Writing | 2 |
C51315 | Translation for Tourism | 2 |
C51215 | Reading for Academic Purposes | 2 |
C51055 | Advanced Grammar | 2 |
C51165 | Discussion and Debate | 2 |
Semester 6 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C31096 | Metode Penelitian Bahasa dan Pariwisata | 2 |
C41016 | Manajemen Perkantoran | 2 |
C41036 | Praktik Lapangan Pariwisata | 2 |
C51366 | English Morphosyntax | 2 |
C51286 | Article Writing | 2 |
C51396 | British Social Life and Institution | 2 |
C51156 | Public Speaking | 2 |
C51436 | Prose | 2 |
C51326 | Introduction to Interpreting | 2 |
- | Translation for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | 2 |
Semester 7 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
41027C | Seminar Pariwisata | 2 |
C51467 | Drama | 2 |
C51407 | American Social Life and Institution | 2 |
C51456 | Discourse Analysis | 2 |
C51477 | Research Proposal Seminar | 2 |
- | - Translating and Interpreting Concentration
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting Translation for Health and Medical Profession Translation for Legal Documents
| - |
- | - Copywriting Concentration
Introduction to Copywriting Writing for Advertising Writing for Publishing
| - |
Semester 8 |
Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
C51448 | Poetry | 2 |
C51428 | Pragma-semantics | 2 |
C51488 | Skripsi | 6 |
Total SKS | 148 |